Thursday, February 1, 2007
So, I'm here... The drive was long but not terrible. Once I got into the western part of Kansas the speed limit went up to 75 which helped a lot. I can't remember when I've seen so much snow on the ground and it just keeps coming. It is so cold outside that we really haven't been able to explore much of the campus. I'm not sure what year the University started but most of the buildings are really outdated. I didn't realize how spoiled I was at monmouth with all of the new facilities. My room is fairly small but right now I have it all to myself so I'm not complaning. I guess the girl who was supposed to live with me chickened out at the last minute. They said maybe they would stick me with someone else. I'm really hoping I just get to have the place to myself. Right now I'm on a ten person team with kids from all over the country. However they switch up the teams a lot the first couple of weeks so that we get to know other people and to see how we interact with one another. My team leaders name is Robyn. She is from Kentucky and seems very laid back. We spent the first couple of days just in meetings. We went over the rules and filled out paperwork etc... Yesterday we also got our uniforms which consist of surplus pants, gray t-shirts, a hoodie, and parka. We are to wear them whenver we're "on duty" starting today. The pants are not warm or comfortable. Today we were supposed to go on a scavenger hunt in downtown Denver just to get acclimated with city. Since the weather is poor we skipped it. Instead, we went to a coffee shop near campus and then took the Light Rail downtown to a pizza parlor and cool bookstore. I was desperate for a latte. Tomorrow we have our physicals and Saturday we have our driving test. I think I'm in the "need not apply" category as far as driving goes.